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5 Tips for Writing a Title for Your Nonfiction Book

Book titles are very important in the overall marketing of your book and your brand. I want to give you some tips for choosing the right title for your nonfiction book. In choosing a title for your nonfiction book, it’s important to make sure that the title...

Walking through Doorways Causes Forgetting

Have you heard of this interesting phenomenon? It’s called the doorway effect*. You’ve probably experienced it. It’s when you go into a different room and forget why you went in. Parts of your brain are always alert to danger so the first thing your working memory...

Kun je beter Amerikaans-Engels of Brits-Engels gebruiken?

Zoals je weet, zijn er verschillen tussen Amerikaans-Engels en Brits-Engels. Wat moet je gebruiken: Amerikaans- of Brits-Engels? Het antwoord is: Dat hangt af van je doelgroep. Als een groot deel van je lezers uit Amerika of de wereld in het algemeen komt, gebruik dan...

Read Books in Your Genre

Dialogs A client of mine has written a novel. While editing, I wonder how many novels he has read. (Also read on if you’re writing non-fiction. This is also relevant for you.) Often, his dialogs go like this: John said, “What’s the matter, Mary? Are you ill?” Mary...

Low-Cost Tips to Market a Self-Published Book

Tips to Market Your Self-published Book In an ideal world, we’d all have a million dollars to market our books and ourselves lavishly, but that’s almost never the case in the indie publishing world. Many self-published authors struggle with how to market their books....