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Should You Do a Kindle Free Book Promotion?

Kindle Free Book Promotion Kindle Free Book Promotion is an option when your eBook is enrolled in Amazon’s KDP Select. This is available for authors who have published their eBook via Kindle Direct Publishing (Amazon). Every 90-day period, you can offer your book for...

5 Tips for Writing a Title for Your Nonfiction Book

Book titles are very important in the overall marketing of your book and your brand. I want to give you some tips for choosing the right title for your nonfiction book. In choosing a title for your nonfiction book, it’s important to make sure that the title...

Low-Cost Tips to Market a Self-Published Book

Tips to Market Your Self-published Book In an ideal world, we’d all have a million dollars to market our books and ourselves lavishly, but that’s almost never the case in the indie publishing world. Many self-published authors struggle with how to market their books....